Tuesday 7 February 2017

Seitokai no Ichizon - The Congregating Student Council [Part 2]

This is the chronologically last chapter in the Seitokai no Ichizon series, originally published in Seitokai no Shukujitsu in 2013. I'm giving you full closure here. This monster of a chapter spans 100 pages, a full 2/5 of the entire volume, so I've split it up into several parts, with the next ones to come in the coming weeks as I finish them. Enjoy.

"I've gone and declared my determination so assuredly, but..."

After turning the corner and leaving Chizuru-san's gaze, my mad dash slowed considerably. My intentions are still sincere, but I still don't have any concrete plan for gathering the remaining members in mind.

Just as I was walking along wondering where to begin, my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. A quick look confirmed that it was a text message from Mafuyu-chan, telling me that they had just arrived at the airport and were heading toward the school right now.

"Then I guess it's a little too early for me to be waiting at the entrance..."

On the day of the graduation ceremony last year, I took a taxi and then a motorcycle here from the airport. That took a considerable amount of time, so even if I head to the entrance right now...

"Actually, I could check for Saionji and Kagami's indoor shoes there."

Not wasting any more time, I headed for the entrance right away.

After taking some time to check inside Saionji and Kagami's lockers, I confirmed that they were both still at school. What a relief, at least they hadn't gone home—

"Ken?" "Senpai?"

Those nostalgic voices came from behind me. With surprise, excitement, and just a pinch of heartache, I turned around to find—

"Minatsu, Mafuyu-chan!"

"Hey!" "Long time no see—"

They both looked the same as back then, wearing the same uniform. I was already overcome with emotion when the Prez and Chizuru-san arrived at the student council room, and this was my first time seeing the sisters face to face since they left. Tears spontaneously began welling up behind my eyelids.

But even though it was our long awaited reunion, those two weren't crying, and I didn't want them to see me be the only one shedding tears. I forced out as much of a cool looking smile as I could manage—

"By the way, Ken, why were you just looking through other people's lockers?"

"Just as expected, you're always striving to pioneer new fetishes, aren't you, Senpai?"

"You saw that!?"

How long were you guys just standing there watching me!? No wonder our reactions had such a huge gap in emotion!

"I-I was just checking for the current student council members' shoes..."

"I see, setting your sights on popular girls, huh?"

"That's Senpai for you, the pinnacle of degeneracy!"

"Why me!?"

Minatsu began cracking her knuckles with an ominous smile, so I desperately began to explain the situation.

At last, after explaining everything, I suddenly remembered something.

"Come to think of it, how did you guys get here? Going by Mafuyu-chan's text, I thought you would've taken at least 30 more minutes to get here... Were you already close by when she sent that text?"

That was my hypothesis, but Mafuyu-chan shot it down with a "No" while shaking her head.

"That text was sent right after leaving the airport."

"Huh? But even if you were driving like a maniac..."

"Ah, um...... d-don't worry about the details so much!"

"H-huh? That kind of gap is way too large to be considered a detail..."

No matter how I calculated it, there was still a huge difference in time. Just as I was drowning in confusion, I noticed Minatsu and Mafuyu-chan looking towards the entrance for some unknown reason. What were they doing? Being nostalgic about the scenery?


That's strange... for some reason, the two sisters exchanged a knowing glance. Wait, Minatsu even started whistling to herself! Hey now, what's going on here... huh? Was there always a tree planted over there...?

"Y-you're wrong! There wasn't a tree near the airport that happened to fall over due to the wind or anything! We didn't cause any trouble at all! And we definitely didn't throw the tree and then ride on it!"

"Are you Tao Pai Pai!? That's not the reason there's a tree planted randomly in front of the school, is it!?"

"...B-by the way, Ken, do you like the gag episodes in Gintama more or the serious episodes?"

"That was such an obvious attempt at avoiding the topic! And with such an unnatural method!"

"Ah, Senpai! Do you like cute younger boys or experienced older men better?"

"There's something obviously wrong with the choices in that question!"

"Ah, more simply, it's just the choice between Waver and Kiritsugu."

"No, that's not the problem here..."

"Ah, although Kiritsugu is surprisingly youthful for a middle aged man. Although if you don't like either of them then... Ah! Of course! You would prefer the King of Conquerors-"

"If that's the alternative than I'd rather have Waver!... Ah."

Mafuyu-chan's face lit up with excitement. Damn... what kind of question is this!? I feel like no matter what I answer, Mafuyu-chan wins! Also, my answer just now probably advanced the ship of me and Nakameguro somehow!

I let out a sigh while thinking about how these sisters never change... but I quickly found myself laughing from the bottom of my heart. The sisters started laughing as well under my influence, and after we were done laughing together for a while, I addressed them again.

"So, like I explained earlier, I'm looking for the remaining members right now... do you guys want to just wait in the student council room for me, or maybe...?"

Before I could finish my sentence, Minatsu already had an expression of enough is enough, and let out a sigh. Mafuyu-chan started giggling to herself as well.

"You shouldn't even have to ask, right?"

"That's right. This is a rare chance to walk with you, not in a game over the internet but for real. No matter how lazy Mafuyu is, she wouldn't pass this up."

While saying that, the two of them grabbed both of my arms and clung to either side of me, each intertwining their arms with mine in their own way. Minatsu was firm and assertive, Mafuyu-chan was soft and gentle.

And just like that, with myself being overwhelmed inbetween them, the two girls exchanged looks and spoke out in unison.

"Of course we're coming with you!"

"...Honestly, you guys never give me any choice in the matter, do you?"

Seriously, why am I getting embarrassed as the harem king?

Though having a girl on either arm sounds like heaven, one arm is being pulled so hard it's actually hurting my shoulder, and the other side is so soft that I can't even tell if she's touching my arm or not... It's not as great as it sounds.

But... even so.

"Come on, let's go, Ken!"

"Senpai, let's get going!"


And just like that, with tremendous joy in our hearts, we set off to continue the search for the remaining council members.

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